
El estudio de la microbiota intestinal permite conocer desequilibrios o disbiosis y diagnosticar problemas de salud


The intestinal microbiota: an invisible world of health and well-being

The intestinal microbiota, also known as intestinal flora or microbiome, is defined as the diverse composition of microorganisms that reside in our digestive tract. This invisible ecosystem is made up of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that play a fundamental role in our health and well-being. The composition and balance of this microbiota have a significant impact on various functions of the body, including the immune system, metabolism and even emotional balance.

The importance of the intestinal microbiota lies in its symbiotic relationship with our body. These microorganisms not only help in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also produce essential vitamins such as vitamin K and certain components that regulate inflammation. In addition, the intestinal microbiota plays a crucial role in the development and functioning of the immune system, helping to prevent infections and autoimmune diseases.

Your body houses the same number of human cells as bacterial cells.

What is intestinal dysbiosis?

Our lifestyle and diet can modify the balance of the microbiota. Factors such as a diet high in refined sugars and low in fiber, excessive use of antibiotics, chronic stress and a polluted environment can disturb its balance. This disruption can lead to dysbiosis or imbalance in the composition and function of the intestinal flora. Gut dysbiosis can be associated with health problems such as chronic inflammation, type 2 diabetes, obesity and even neurological diseases such as depression and anxiety. Intestinal dysbiosis usually manifests itself through symptoms such as chronic fatigue, abdominal distension, diarrhea and constipation, migraines, anxiety, adverse reactions to eating certain foods or gas production.

An imbalance in the intestinal flora is called dysbiosis.

What is the use of an intestinal microbiota test?

The study of the microbiota allows us to discover the hidden world of microorganisms that live within us. This type of analysis, which is performed using next-generation sequencing technologies, allows health professionals to evaluate the composition of the microbiota and identify possible imbalances. By using stool samples, levels of microbial diversity can be analyzed and the presence of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria identified.

The study of the intestinal microbiota can provide vital information about the health status of an individual and offer indications on possible changes in diet and lifestyle to restore balance in case of dysbiosis. The results of these analyzes help doctors and nutritionists develop personalized strategies to improve a person’s digestive and general health, such as adapting the diet or offering supplementation with probiotic or prebiotic treatments, among others.

The composition of the microbiota is unique in each person. However, through the analysis of the intestinal microbiota, general patterns or types of microbiota composition can be identified in people. These classifications are based on the different species and proportions of microorganisms present in each individual. Recently, it has been proposed to classify people into three major patterns or enterotypes. Each enterotype is dominated by a different genus of bacteria:

1. Bacteroides enterotype: it is the majority in individuals with high intake of animal proteins and fats due to diets dominated by meat consumption.

2. Prevotella enterotype: It is more prevalent in individuals with diets rich in fiber (vegetables and carbohydrates). It is very common in people who follow vegetarian or vegan diets.

3. Rumminococcus enterotype:it is the main one in individuals with balanced diets.

Although the enterotype is usually defined during the first years of life, the microbiotic composition can vary over time and in response to changes in lifestyle and diet. Analysis of the microbiota can provide useful indications about a person’s health status and nutritional needs.. For example, the relationship between the amount of Firmicutas and Bacteroides bacteria allows us to draw conclusions about the body’s calorie utilization and body weight, or the abundance of the Prevotella genus allows us to know that that individual is more susceptible to losing weight by eating a diet rich in fiber.

In summary, the intestinal microbiota is a key element of our overall health. Exploring and analyzing this microscopic world can provide valuable insights into how to improve our physical and emotional well-being. Through a personalized medical and nutritional approach to the study of the microbiota, we can open the door to a new dimension of preventive and curative health.

How can I carry out a study of the intestinal microbiota?

with the study AboutMe Gut Microbiota, we analyze more than 40 parameters about the composition, richness, diversity and uniformity of your microbiota and draw conclusions about the state of inflammation of your body, gas production, allergies and intolerances, state of intestinal mucus, metabolism, psychological state or intestinal-brain/liver/skin health, among others.

So that you can carry out the intestinal microbiota study comfortably from home, we have a kit that we send to your home with the necessary material and instructions to obtain the stool sample, quickly and easily. Once the sample is ready, you ask us to collect it and in 25 business days we will send you your report.

The interpretation of the intestinal microbiota results must be carried out by a health professional, who will evaluate the data and prescribe the appropriate treatments. Do you want to book an appointment with our experts in intestinal microbiota and dysbiosis? Make an appointment

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